Chatteris Weather Page Updates

Over the festive break, I’ve taken the opportunity to tweak my weather web pages and add a few features:-

  1.   Meteotemplate

This is a new style dashboard accessible from the menu bar of Chatteris Weather, if you prefer this template, save it as a favorite.

Jachym, the author of the script is continually adding new functionality and wherever possible I will adjust my site to incorporate his hard work.

2.   International Space Station (ISS)

I have always had a link to the ISS, but now Maj Tim is orbiting, I thought it would be fitting to have a bespoke page showing the live camera stream and graphical overlay of where the ISS is in real time.

3.   Live Webcam

I have recently fitted a Hikvision IP webcam which is streaming live video 24/7. I’m working on the time lapse feature and this will follow shortly.

4.  Supercounter

I have had revolver map on my site for a while as well as a whos-online script and PHP Web Stat, Supercounter was very easy to set up and implement, site statistics are available from the above link, what is of interest is that the majority of refers have come from webcam sites.

5.  Page Header Image

New design which will change to reflect either a reason to celebrate, when not a special header, a new standard image will be used with a change of title from Chatteris Weather to Chatteris Weather Station.

6.  Status Page

Added a screen grab image of the Weather Display program which drives Chatteris Weather, looking at the image you can see at a glance the overall conditions which are updated every 5 minutes.

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